- use for dead animals
- keeps them of the road
- the meet is free range so did live a natural life. unlike some of the animals we eat today
- sustainable
- cheap in times of resection
- a skilled craftsman could use the skin to create a rug or scarf.
so all in all I don't like the idea of eating the animals but I can defiantly see the good aspects of eating road kill more than the bad its just something I am not ust to if i was bright up eating road kill such as badger I would be ok.
i do remeber when i ust to live with my gran and aunt we all lived in her big house it was nice one day my uncle mark and my dad came up to the back door with this very large buck uncle mark had found it on the side of the road it had just been hit by 4 cars infront my dad has know idea how mark got it in to the car it was so heavy the hole family spend the day butchering it up and that night we had venison loline. but venison is very expensive at a butchers and its somthing we eat all the time. but badger is a meat eater but if its not being wasted it dose make seance.
"Mr Boyt, 74, has eaten an incredible array of animals in his time, everything from mice to polecats - and even cats and dogs. As long as the animals were killed on the road accidentally and not deliberately, Mr Boyt sees them as fair game."